We talked about how fast diets don't work. That is, I can give a result, but short-lived, and when you switch to a normal diet, the weight will return. So, is it possible to lose weight in just a month? We offer a few obvious ways to lose weight that nutritionists and fitness experts have shared with us.

Method number 1: do not count calories
While reducing your calorie content can’t help but give positive results, it’s still time to stop counting calories and focus on the nutritional value of foods. This is a factor that upsets and leads to breakdowns if you suddenly eat something really high in calories. As a result, it can even lead to constant stress, even greater desire to lose weight and, as a result, to mental disorders such as bulimia or anorexia. Nutritionists say that it is better to count not the content of calories, but BJU products - the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in them - and rely on protein foods, eating less carbohydrates and fats.
Method number 2: Don't just eat vegetables
We said above that you need to rely on foods that are rich in protein. Yes, a seasonal vegetable salad, spiced with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, will really be healthy and even saturate your body. But not for long. Moreover, fresh vegetables will be digested quickly and will not provide the body with the required amount of nutrients. That is why you should not eat only salad, without meat, side dishes and other things. Make lunch or dinner with protein - chicken breast, turkey, boiled veal, fish and seafood. Don’t forget small amounts of slow carbs - cereals and grains, whole grain bread or durum wheat pasta. Well, now you can already think of a salad of fresh vegetables, which you will add to your meal.
Method number 3: rest completely
It seems like an obvious fact, but just think: how many hours a day do you sleep? If you can not cope with excess weight, we can bet no more than 5-6 hours. While it is necessary to sleep at least 7-8 hours for the body to rest completely, and the metabolism in it is maintained at the appropriate level. U. S. scientists have confirmed the fact that people who sleep less than 5 hours a day have about 70% chance of obesity. But those who slept 6 hours - only about 30%. If you do not sleep enough time, the level of the hormone ghrelin increases in the body - this substance is responsible for appetite and hunger. Nutritionists also say that one should not engage in an abundance of physical activity at the expense of sleep. If you sleep 5 hours to be in the gym in the morning, it is better to give up training, but get some sleep - it will be much more effective for weight loss.
Method number 4: exercise before breakfast
It's no coincidence that we mentioned morning workouts - they will really be more effective for weight loss than exercising at other times of the day. Keep in mind, however, that early in the morning before your first meal is an ideal time for cardio (aerobic) workouts that are not too intense. During such an exercise, fat is burned - it will become a source of energy for physical work, since the level of insulin in the blood is minimal, and the body usually draws energy primarily from sugar. On the other hand, if you are going for strength training (anaerobic training) with weight lifting, extra weights, plenty of approaches and repetitions, the body definitely needs reinforcement. Therefore strength training should be done after breakfast or at some other time of the day, but not on an empty stomach.
Method number 5: Practice for only half an hour
This is another novelty that fitness experts and doctors tell us about. It turns out that if you train for a long time, more than 60 minutes, the level of the stress hormone cortisol increases in the body. And it is precisely this hormone that is responsible for the deposition of fat from each additional calorie, and for the distribution of fat throughout the body (that is, it is deposited in problem areas such as the abdomen, thighs and hips). Therefore, it is good if your training does not last longer than 40-45 minutes, while, otherwise, you can train often, even every day. If you do this for a long time, divide the lesson into parts (for example, strength training and a cardio session), between which it is worth taking a short break.
Method number 6: eat cyclically
If you still can't give up counting calories, turn this factor to your advantage: eat cyclically. I like this? Let's talk in more detail. If your daily calorie intake is around 1500 kcal, you should eat around 1200 kcal on Monday, no more. But on Tuesday, eat your norm - 1500 kcal. And on Wednesday you can eat 1700-1800 kcal. But from Thursday, go back to 1200 kcal and continue to eat this way for three days, changing the caloric content of your daily diet. This approach will allow you to "cheat" the body, not put it in a state of stress and not allow it to adjust to the low calorie content. All this, in turn, will allow the body to give up the accumulated pounds even more efficiently and quickly, and successfully break down and remove fat cells.